Monday, March 16, 2009

El Rastro

I was soooo excited for Sunday- it was El Rastro day in Madrid! El Rastro is a flea market that has been going on for centuries. I had read about it online and was so psyched for it! We got up early and walked to the “Plaza Mayor” where we thought the market was held. We got there and saw tables set up- my pulse was racing- I love junk. I pretty much ran to the first table setting- it was neat- medieval coins and some rings. I thought ok lets keep going. Next table, more coins. Table after that- stamps. What the hell?? It was ALL coins and stamps- and bottle caps!! I was almost in tears. Could have gone to Cloverdale- where was the junk??? We decided to go to tourist information cause something wasn’t right- were we too early? too late? were we off season?? We learned that El Rastro was in the El Rastro area outside of the Plaza- the tourist lady circled the streets that shut down for the market- I was happy again and on the go. We entered the chaos of El Rastro- we could hardly move among the crowds. There were stalls full of junk :) Each street had a different theme- one was clothes/purses/fashion, another was antiques, one was just for pets, there were streets for tools, electronics, Everything was there! Food, flowers, saddles, zebra hides! Gas masks and trumpets. There was some pretty random stuff- like giant keys and cobbler supplies. It was so cool- we have footage and some photos we will share...I only bought a pair of shorts- I wanted the MC hammer edition but I bought something less crazy- ones I can wear when we head south as it will only get hotter!

1 comment:

  1. Where you going to put all the "junk" that you that why you only have 27lbs and Steve 35lbs?
