Sunday, May 31, 2009

All Caught Up!

So, the blog is completely caught up now! Whew! I guess rain storms while camping are good for something! 

Steve and I just want to say that we are having the most fabulous time and loving it all!...More than one of you has asked if we are about to kill each other yet. And I can happily and honestly say that we are the best team mates ever- we have adjusted to our new roles in traveling- I am the team photographer and lead navigator. Steve is the metro master, money handler, and the international charades master. We think about our family and friends a lot out here...We often have prolonged discussions regarding our future projects and endeavors...particularly dog or no dog? (We are constantly checking out other peoples dogs and debating size and fur texture.) Other hot topics: mountaineering or not? Piano in our house or guitars? Garden or grass? We even compare cars...there are many hours in transit and we end up discussing random things. Another future topic and much more urgent is India. The countdown to India is on...37 days. I’m going to need some chillers kb. STAT. Hahahaha! 


  1. So glad your loving it! Sounds like its turning out to be a fabulous experience for you guys! Don't stress. Just go with the flow. Remember - your a great team!

  2. With such great Pulitzer Class writing...I'm going to cancel my book of the month club subscription. Great stuff guys...keep 'em coming.


  3. I still want to come is it too late !!!!
    Your trip and time together will always be a blast from the past.
    Take care of each other and hold hands


  4. Tristar Wants you LOL

    Guess who
