Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Euro Disney

Since planning our trip, Steve has been adamant that we visit Euro Disney and after spending so much time at monuments and in museums it sounded like a good idea to do something lighthearted. The park is outside the city, to get there we took the train. Little did we know, you have to buy a different kind of ticket to get through the gates at the train stop at Disneyland. We just got on with our normal metro tickets and when we arrived at the other end, we couldn’t get through the gates! We were stuck, until Steve suddenly took off and flung himself between two gates after a woman went through. He yelled “BEEJ! BEEJ!” and I went running in too- it was funny how the gates were squishing him. At first I was paranoid that we had broken into Disney land- but really we had just unknowingly scammed the metro.

We had a blast at the park! In all our ten years of bliss we had yet to visit a theme park! I don’t handle rides very well and I found out after the first roller coaster that neither does Steve! We managed three big rides and then hung out on the non-spinning kiddy rides. Since leaving home Steve has gone through hot dog withdrawals- he got his fix with a foot long Dijon laden weenie- boiled- just how he likes it!! We never ran into Mickey or any princesses or any characters in the park- I was a little disappointed! We only saw them when we watched the daily Disney parade and I have to say it was strange to see Mickey Mouse speaking and singing in French! 

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